You have taken several calligraphy classes but don’t feel confident in your work?
You are practicing regularly but not able to see the kind of progress you want to see?
You are repeating the same mistakes & don’t understand how to correct them ?
Maybe you’ve watched many tutorials but unable to figure out where you are going wrong?
You have learned to write all the pretty things but what if you want to go beyond?
Well, ‘Calligraphy Beyond Basics’ is the solution for all your problems!
We have put together a distinctive class where Pooja will work with you at the level you are at. It’s a personalised intensive 1-on-1 coaching session with Pooja. We will focus on refining your existing calligraphy skills & taking it to the next level as per your specific goals. You will not just see significant improvement in your writing but will also reach your goals faster.
The ideal class to help you master your calligraphy skills.
How this works ?
Step 1 : Prepare a Script Sample
Submit Capital & Small Letters written together as shown below along with 2 - 3 lines of your favourite quote or poem or paragraph. Keep this on 2 separate pages. Write in black ink on white background. Take a picture from top angle & Submit your best work while enrolling. You will get the form at the end of this page.

Step 2 : Share Your Goals (3 things that you want to achieve in your script)
This is the most important step. Once you understand where you are struggling the most or what you want to improve, just share it with us. We will solve your problems together instantly.
Step 3 : Live Class with Pooja
After the first 2 steps, it’s time to meet & resolve all your queries. We will have a brief session on your goals & Pooja will show you the steps to reach your goals efficiently.
It's that easy !
Stop dreaming about that perfect stroke & get started NOW!
Your Instructor

Founder of INKNBLISS, Pooja Bhagwat is a calligrapher, engraver & educator based in Mumbai, India. She is best known for her detailed work of copperplate & flourishing. She lends her personal touch and warmth to every artwork she creates.
After providing detailed feedback to many students, Pooja absolutely understands the struggles of a beginner & is eager to help you with little tips & tricks that will make your learning process easier. She will train your eyes to recognise the smallest details on your own so that you can write your script with more confidence & ease.
Who is the ideal student for this class ?
This class is for those who have already learnt calligraphy & want to elevate the overall quality of their writing. All skill levels are welcome.
Does this class offer in-depth study of letterforms ?
No. The class is going to be tailor made as per your needs. So it will only address the things that you are struggling with. For in-depth knowledge of letterforms, we request you to join our ‘beginner courses’.
I have learnt copperplate calligraphy on my own. Can I still join this class?
Ofcourse !
Which scripts will you cover in this class ?
We will be covering Copperplate Calligraphy, Brush Calligraphy, Modern Calligraphy & Bouncy lettering. However if you work in other styles & want to improve that, just send an email at hello@inknbliss.com & we will see how to take it further.
How many sessions will I need ?
Frankly, I really don’t know. Once you share your work & goals, I will get a better understanding. To begin with, we can always start with a one hour class & if needed, we can schedule 2 more classes.
How can I book a time slot ?
Once you enroll for the class, we will get back with dates & timing within 2-3 days.
I loved this class & want to enroll but I am a little shy & afraid to share my work.
Being a student myself, I can totally relate with this. I used to get freeze whenever my teacher asked me to share my work. I used to write & rewrite & rewrite & even after that, I used to think 100 times before sharing my work. But the kind of feedback that I have got from my teachers, always helped me to go further & reach new levels. So let that feeling sink in, experience it but still hit that send button. Believe me you will never regret it.
A tailor made class as per your needs